Saturday, December 15, 2018

How to Find the Perfect Golf Shoes

The son of a South Central Steel (SCS) employee, Drew Schroeder is an Alabama-based high school student who intends on studying business at Auburn University. Beyond his educational pursuits and SCS affiliation, Drew Schroeder is an avid golfer who has competed in several junior tour events throughout Alabama.

Having a quality set of clubs isn't the only thing golfers need to consider before hitting the course for a round. In addition to a particular club and swing mechanics, the type of shoe you're wearing can impact your shot by providing the traction needed during your swing. Additionally, those who walk instead of riding a cart generally walk at least five miles per round, and wearing the right shoes can make a world of difference in regard to warmth and comfort.

While you might end up spending more money than anticipated on a pair of quality golf shoes, poorly-made shoes for the sport can leave you with sore ankles, inflamed heels, and blisters following an 18-hole round. When searching for a pair, determine whether or not you want spikes. Spikeless shoes might be more lightweight and comfortable, but they don't provide the same level of traction as those with spikes. If you play in wet conditions on a regular basis, it's best to purchase shoes with spikes. Stability is another aspect you should consider when looking for a pair of golf shoes; those with built-in stabilizers along the arches can help improve the power and accuracy of your shots. If you can, try to test out the shoes at the store's indoor driving range before buying them.